
The quality of education for many has gone down with the move to distance learning. The record number of students who are failing in classes reflects this. Tutoring can be expensive and often is not an option for many students, especially with the tough financial circumstances that the pandemic has created. We wanted to help out all students so our tutoring service is free and therefore accessible to all students!

What We Do

Every month we host live tutoring events at various schools. Students who plan on attending must sign up and submit worksheets, questions, or topics to cover to us with the Tutoring Questions page on the website at least the day before the live event. (More detailed info about this will be on the flyer that the students’ schools send out.) This gives our tutors a heads up on how many people will be attending and some time to prepare and work out the submitted questions. A link for the zoom meetings for the live events will be given out, via email, only after students sign up for security reasons. There will be a set limit on the number of students who may attend depending on how many tutors we have so first come first serve!

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