Get Service Hours

If you need service hours or would like to help us out, here are some of the things you can help us out with. Reach out with the contact form on the “Contact” page if you are interested.

STEM Webinars & Workshops

Content Creators

We need a new STEM topic and set of 4 videos that teach about this topic every month. You could work by yourself, or with a group of friends, to create 4 videos, one for each week of the month, that we could use for a future month’s topic. Contact using the contact form and give us your idea for a future STEM topic. Then, when we approve it, create the videos. Our target audience is elementary school kids and we would like our videos to teach everything so no prior experience is needed to watch the videos. The first 2 or 3 should be about the basics of the topic and teach the skills needed for a related project or activity that will be done in the last 1 or 2 videos. Finally, come up with an idea for a project at one of our live workshops that relates to the chosen topic.

Workshop Volunteers

We need volunteers to help out at our workshops. Workshop volunteers guide students through the projects at our live workshops and teach students about the topic along the way. Workshop volunteers need to know enough about the month’s topic to help out. Contact us and we can provide the videos from the topic to you before they are released if you need to learn more about the month’s topic and would like to help out at our live workshops.

Event Organizers

We need volunteers to help us out by creating flyers for our live workshops. Then, once the flyers are created, you need to call schools, set up the events with the school, and make sure the flyers will be on the school’s announcements and that the teachers tell kids and parents about the workshops.



We have a live tutoring event once a month where we help students out with math and science. You can volunteer as a math or science tutor. We will have a mandatory sign up form for our tutoring events so we will know how many people will attend beforehand. Students who sign up must submit questions that they would like answered on the “Tutoring Questions” page of the website a week before the actual event. We will then divide all of the questions up between our tutors. You will have a week to answer the questions and come up with an explanation that you will use to help the student out at the live tutoring event.

Event Organizers

This is very similar to the STEM workshop event organizers. You will be helping out with the same things but for the tutoring events instead of the STEM workshop events.

Giving Back

Event Organizers

Again, this is pretty similar to the event organizers for the other two projects. Every month we have one event where we give back to the community. You would need to come up with some organizations that we could partner with to help give back to the community. Then, we will decide on one for the month and you would be in charge of getting the word out there about the event by getting a flyer onto school announcements and things of that sort.

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